We hope you find some useful info here! Contact us to find out how we can help your company grow your customer base!
How do you figure out your company’s advertising budget?
First, let’s be very clear, each industry has different standards and norms for deciding what amount the advertising budget should be. Therefore the 3 methods we are outlining cannot account for serious differences between some types of companies. For example, if you...
How can a Car Dealer Participate in Small Business Saturday?
After all, most people don’t think of a car dealer on small business Saturday, do they? They often think of their local boutique, or local restaurant down the road. But what if there was a way your dealership could participate in this growing trend of...
The ‘old demographics’ Used by Traditional Advertising Agencies Don’t Work Any More!
Demographics is usually a term advertising agencies use when describing the potential client they are trying to reach for the business owner. There are many demographic segments that can be used, but a very common one is Women 25-54. This means that the advertising...
What’s an Inbound Marketing Funnel and Why Does Your Business Need One?
As a small business owner, you need to learn what an inbound marketing funnel is because it is one of the most affordable & effective ways to increase leads and grow new customers. Despite all of the benefits, 75% of businesses are not using inbound marketing. How...
What is Organic Traffic? 4 Reasons Why SEO Reigns
What is Organic Traffic? 4 Reasons Why SEO Reigns If you have a website for your business, you need to care about growing your organic traffic. With 51 percent of all site visits stemming from organic search, not focusing some effort on organic search can leave your...
3 Ways to Use Social Media Traffic to Grow Your Email Subscriber List
3 Ways to Use Social Media Traffic to Grow Your Email Subscriber List Using social media traffic is one of the most organic ways to grow the number of users that will visit your website each day. Want to learn more about how you can use social media to increase your...
How to Use LinkedIn Marketing for Lawyers
If you’re a lawyer and want to know how to use LinkedIn for marketing, check out this article and learn how. You’ll get more quality leads if you follow some tried & true techniques!
A Crash Course in Understanding How to Use Google Analytics
The word "analytics" is intimidating to some. But there's nothing to fear. Analytics helps us understand our business and our customers. By using what we learn through data analysis, we find and keep more customers. Google Analytics is a simple data collection and...
Understanding the Importance of Email Marketing for Business Owners
Digital marketing is a hard thing to keep up with these days. Between SEO and PPC campaigns, social media ads and influencers, and content marketing, there's are a ton of resources for business owners to pick and choose from. One digital tool...